,(set: $goal to 0)
(set: $yougood to 0)
(set: $alexgood to 0)
(set: $delay to 100)
(set: $A to 0)
(set: $B to 0)
(set: $C to 0)
(set: $D to 0)
(set: $E to 0)
(set: $F to 0)
(set: $G to 0)
(set: $H to 0)
(set: $I to 0)
(set: $J to 0)
(set: $K to 0)
(set: $L to 0)
(set: $M to 0)
(set: $N to 0)
(set: $yfear to 0)
(set: $tfear to 0)
(set: $comfort to 0)
(set: $win to 0)
(set: $win1 to "to remain in this relationship by the morning of December 26th. You saw it as solid and wonderful. But you worried that you had lost yourself. The relationship is all you have and you aren't sure who you are without it.")
(set: $win2 to "to remain in this relationship by the morning of December 26th. You saw it as solid and wonderful. But you worried your partner was not into you as much as you were into them.")
(set: $win3 to "to end the relationship by the morning of December 26th. You knew Alex wasn't the one for you. But you worried about being on your own.")
(set: $win4 to "to end the relationship by the morning of December 26th. You knew Alex wasn't the one for you. But you didn't want to hurt them because you knew they thought everything was fine.")
(set: $phone to 0)
(goto: "start")
Hello Sarah,
You and your partner Alex have been together since February and have lived together in your two bedroom apartment since June. You met through friends before the pandemic shut down everything then stayed connected until you made the decision to move in.
Before we go any further please fill in the following other information about you, Alex, and your relationship. Click all the appropriate links that apply:
(There are no take-backs after clicking so choose wisely)
[You were immediately attracted when you first saw Alex]<changeA|
[You hate being single]<changeB|
[You moved in with them because you could no longer afford your own place]<changeC|
[Alex disappears to play video games when you Zoom with your family]<changeD|
[When you fight, you both work with respect to resolve the grievance]<changeE|
[Alex shuts down when you express any displeasure with them]<changeF|
[They are very possessive of you and your time]<changeG|
[You remain in contact with an ex which you hide from your partner]<changeH|
[Alex is thoughtful and caring of your feelings]<changeI|
[You are positive your partner will leave you at any moment]<changeJ|
[Alex works to erode your confidence when you try to better yourself]<changeK|
[They do equal amounts of housework without being asked]<changeL|
[You no longer see your friends anymore; only your partner]<changeM|
[You have a feeling Alex is cheating on you]<changeN|
(click: ?changeA)[
(set: $comfort to it +1)
(replace: ?changeA)[You have strong desire for Alex]
(click: ?changeB)[
(set: $yfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeB)[You are with them because you are lonely]
(click: ?changeC)[
(set: $comfort to it -1)
(replace: ?changeC)[There is financial pressure to stay]
(click: ?changeD)[
(set: $tfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeD)[They feel disengaged at times]
(click: ?changeE)[
(set: $comfort to it +1)
(replace: ?changeE)[This is most healthy relationship you've ever had]
(click: ?changeF)[
(set: $tfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeF)[You don't feel heard]
(click: ?changeG)[
(set: $tfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeG)[The effort to make them happy drains you]
(click: ?changeH)[
(set: $comfort to it -1)
(replace: ?changeH)[You are not committed to the relationship]
(click: ?changeI)[
(set: $comfort to it +1)
(replace: ?changeI)[Alex could be the one]
(click: ?changeJ)[
(set: $yfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeJ)[Your self confidence is low]
(click: ?changeK)[
(set: $tfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeK)[Their self confidence is low]
(click: ?changeL)[
(set: $comfort to it +1)
(replace: ?changeL)[You are equals in the relationship]
(click: ?changeM)[
(set: $comfort to it -1)
(replace: ?changeM)[You have become depedent on each other for all social needs]
(click: ?changeN)[
(set: $yfear to it +1)
(replace: ?changeN)[An ex cheated on you in the past]
[Ready to continue?]<changeNext|
(click: ?changeNext)[
(replace: ?changeNext)[ [[Next]]]
](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -sad")](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -sad")](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -sad")](set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Breakup -sad")]$chase
When you met your partner they:
[They stood out in the crowd]<changechase|
(click: ?changechase)[
(set: $chase to "They stood out in the crowd")
(replace: ?changechase)[ They stood out in the crowd]
Questions about your relationship:
(dropdown: bind $chase, "Click to choose", "They stood out in the crowd", "They were second pick", "You didn't notice them until they came after you", "You were lonely so why not",)
(replace: ?chase)[$chase]
(if: $chase is not Click to choose)[ [[8:30 am Dec 24th]]
(set: $health to 10)
health: |health>[$health]
(link: "Increase Health")[{
(set: $health to it + 10)
(replace: ?health)[$health]
(set: $var to "A")
[`$var` equals $var, click on this hook to change its value]<changevar|
(click: ?changevar)[
(set: $var to "B")
(replace: ?changevar)[`$var` new value is $var]
Noon, December 24th.
Rain drizzles on this (if: $win is <=2)[wonderful](else:)[] pre-Christmas day. The final day to get everything ready for the Holidays.
Water from a massive mud puddle splatters across the window as you and Alex pull into a gas station for fuel. You are heading home after a (if: $win is <=2)[great](else:)[long] day of Christmas shopping. You ask Alex to clean the coating of mud off the windows and head into the store to pay cash at the counter. When you come out, Alex is so busy (if: $win is 1)[flirting](if: $win is 3)[flirting](if: $win is 2)[talking](if: $win is 4)[having a crude conversation] with a(if: $win is 1)[ gorgeous woman](if: $win is 3)[ gorgeous woman](if: $win is 2)[ vaping bro](if: $win is 4)[ vaping bro] at the pump next to them that they haven't cleaned the windows of the car. (if: $win is 4)[They jump towards you and give you an awkward hug.]
Do you:
[[Walk up to Alex and confront them for not cleaning the car windows.|1]]
[[Introduce yourself and join in the conversation.|2]]
[[Get in the car and wait with a silent scowl. You accuse Alex of not caring about your feelings when they join you in the car.|3]]
[[Get in the car. You struggle a bit with your thoughts, but you trust Alex.|4]]Noon, December 24th.
Rain drizzles on this (if: $win is <=2)[wonderful](else:)[] pre-Christmas day. The final day to get everything ready for the Holidays.
Water from a massive mud puddle splatters across the window as you and Alex pull into a gas station for fuel. You are heading home after a (if: $win is <=2)[great](else:)[long] day of Christmas shopping. You ask Alex to clean the coating of mud off the windows and head into the store to pay cash at the counter. When you come out, Alex is so busy (if: $win is 1)[flirting](if: $win is 3)[flirting](if: $win is 2)[talking](if: $win is 4)[having a crude conversation] with a(if: $win is 1)[ gorgeous woman](if: $win is 3)[ gorgeous woman](if: $win is 2)[ vaping bro](if: $win is 4)[ vaping bro] at the pump next to them that they haven't cleaned the windows of the car. (if: $win is 4)[They jump towards you and give you an awkward hug.]
Do you:
[[Walk up to Alex and confront them for not cleaning the car windows.|1-1]]
[[Introduce yourself and join in the conversation.|2-1]]
[[Get in the car and wait with a silent scowl. You accuse Alex of not caring about your feelings when they join you in the car.|3-1]]
[[Get in the car. You struggle a bit with your thoughts, but you trust Alex.|4-1]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Sad")](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Sad")](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Sad")](set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $yougood >=0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Happy")]
(if: $yougood <0)[(goto: "1:00 pm 24th - Christmas music - Stay together - Sad")]9:00 pm December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[You end the call with your family and exhale the zoom tension you had been holding.]
(live: $delay*4)["Well that was fun." says Alex.](live: $delay*6)[ They stand, stretch and slip a hopeful look at your second bedroom.](live: $delay*10)[ "I'm going to see if I can save the Zolondrians."]
(live: $delay*14)[They kiss you on the forehead and meander out of the living room.]
(live: $delay*18)[You snap your laptop closed and think whether it is appropriate to open a bottle of wine.](live: $delay*22)[ You stand and head to the kitchen when your phone rings.](live: $delay*24)[ It's your father.](live: $delay*28)[ You pull down a bottle of red.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Answer the phone?|Immediate pick up]]]
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Ignore it|Phone no 1]]](set: $phone to it +1)
(live: $delay*4)[You put the phone in your pocket and feel the vibrations all the way into the kitchen before it finally stops.](live: $delay*8)[ You select a bottle of red wine from the liquor cabinet, although any bottle would suffice.](live: $delay*12)[ You pull down a glass and uncork the bottle.](live: $delay*16)[ You wait for the double buzz of a message but none occurs.](live: $delay*20)[ You take a sip of wine; it's meh.]
(live: $delay*24)[Your pocket begins to vibrate again. You confirm: your father.]
(live: $delay*28)[He has something on his mind if he calls twice.](live: $delay*32)[ Based on your experience he will continue calling until you answer.](live: $delay*36)[ You know from which parent you inherited your stubborness.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Answer the call this time|Immediate pick up]]]
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Continue sipping the wine| Phone no 2]]](set: $phone to it +1)
(live: $delay*4)[You sit down at the kitchen table and pull out your phone.](live: $delay*8)[ Alex is so quiet and focused in the other room it's like they aren't even home.](live: $delay*12)[ You take a sip of wine.]
(live: $delay*16)[Your expectations are met when your pocket begins to buzz.](live: $delay*20)[ You know your father will keep calling and you know the longer you don't answer the angrier he will become.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Answer the phone now|Immediate pick up]]]
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Still refuse and hope for the best|Phone no 3]]]He still introduces himself like you wouldn't recognize his voice or see his name on your phone.
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(track: 'Phone yes', 'play')]
(live: 7s)[ [[Tell the truth|Truth]]]
(live: 7s)[ [[Cover for Alex|Cover]]]
(set: $phone to it +1)
(live: $delay*4)[You sit at the table and scroll through social media.](live: $delay*8)[ Flick flick flick of your thumb reveals streams of captivating information you don't need.]
(live: $delay*12)[Your phone buzzes again.](live: $delay*16)[ You know if you don't answer soon your dad will be furious.]
Do you,
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Cave to the inevitable|Important]]]
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Continue to ignore the call|Phone mid]]]
(goto: "Phone no 3")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(track: 'Truth', 'play')
(live: 7s)[ [[You’re looking at it wrong, we are trying to be considerate in case you don’t like the napkins.|considerate]]]
(live: 7s)[ [[I know you are doing fine, I’m sorry.|sorry]]]
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(track: 'Cover', 'play')
(live: 7s)[ [[You’re looking at it wrong, we are trying to be considerate in case you don’t like the napkins.|considerate]]]
(live: 7s)[ [[I know you are doing fine, I’m sorry.|sorry]]]
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(goto: "Dad phone 1")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(goto: "Dad phone 1")(track: 'Dad phone 1', 'play')
(live: 17s)[ [[Dad, come on.|No dad]]]
(live: 17s)[ [[Yes, actually I plan to do their gift our way.|Stand up Dad]]]
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(goto: "Dad phone 2")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(goto: "Dad phone 2")(track: 'Dad phone 2', 'play')
(live: 16s)[ [[Dad, it’s late. Let’s talk later.|later.]]]
(track: 'later', 'play')
(live: 5s)[ [[I love you too. OK, I’ll call tomorrow. G’night.|8:00 am 26th - wake up boxing day - Breakup]]]
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(if: $win = 3)[(set: $yougood to it +1)]
(if: $win = 4)[(set: $yougood to it -1)]
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "11:00am 24th - Groceries - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "11:00am 24th - Groceries - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(if: $win = 3)[(set: $yougood to it -1)]
(if: $win = 4)[(set: $yougood to it -1)]
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "11:00am 24th - Groceries - Breakup")Based on your thoughts you (if: $comfort is >=0)[have no concerns about you and Alex as a couple.](else:)[don't feel a strong connection to Alex anymore.]
<b>Your goal is {
(if: $comfort >=0)[to remain in this relationship by the morning of December 26th. You see it as solid and wonderful.
(if: $yfear>=$tfear)[(set: $win to 1)But you worry that you have lost yourself. The relationship is all you have and you aren't sure who you are without it.]
(else:)[(set: $win to 2)But you worry your partner is not into you as much as you are into them]
(else:)[to end the relationship by the morning of December 26th. You know Alex isn't the one for you.
(if: $yfear>$tfear)[(set: $win to 3)But you are very worried about being on your own.]
(else:)[(set: $win to 4)But you don't want to hurt Alex because you know they think everything is fine.]
(if: $comfort >= 0)[ [[Let's begin|8:30am 24th - wake up - Stay together]] ]
(if: $comfort < 0)[ [[Let's begin|8:30am 24th - wake-up - Breakup]] ]8:30 am, December 24th.
You open your eyes to the sunrise. Christmas Eve has arrived.
You and Alex are going to be meeting each other's families, as a couple, for the first time; Alex's family tonight and your family tomorrow. Of course it will be via a Zoom call but you are still nervous.
You are concerned because your family has traditions that Alex may not understand. Like return receipts: your family avoids them since they imply the material nature of the present is more important than the giving of the gift. Alex was adamant though that it makes practical sense. All the gifts you purchased and wrapped contain return receipts, including the one for your parents. (if: $yfear>0)[You are already worried about your father's response to the embedded receipt.]
You sure hope everything goes ok.
[[Rise and Shine|10:00am 24th - Beth Text - Stay together]]8:30 am, December 24th.
You open your eyes to the sunrise. Christmas Eve has arrived.
You and Alex are going to be meeting each other's families, as a couple, for the first time; Alex's family tonight and your family tomorrow. Of course it will be via a Zoom call but you are still nervous.
You are concerned because your family has traditions that Alex may not understand. Like return receipts: your family avoids them since they imply the material nature of the present is more important than the giving of the gift. Alex was adamant though that it makes practical sense. All the gifts you purchased and wrapped contain return receipts, including the one for your parents. (if: $yfear>0)[You are already worried about your father's response to the embedded receipt.]
You sure hope everything goes ok.
[[Rise and Shine|10:00am 24th - Beth Text - Breakup]]10:00 am, December 24th.
You get a bowl of cereal and munch away as you flip through your phone. Alex is watching TV.
As you slide down the internet rabbit hole, you get a text from Beth, a close friend from univeristy. You haven't seen Beth since class in February before the lockdown. The two of you have stayed in contact a few times on messenger.
Beth is a fantastic soul but you personally know her caring spirit and tenacious concern means people divulge secrets to her.
Beth misses you and wants to know if you are free for a call tonight. You suggest zoom but she is all zoomed out; just talk. You two agree that she will call at 9:00 pm.
Are you
[[Excited that you'll be chatting with a close friend tonight?|Glad]]
[[Concerned that Beth will try to dig into your life|concern]]
[[Fearful she will want to talk about Alex because you can't talk freely|Alex]]10:00 am, December 24th.
You get a bowl of cereal and munch away as you flip through your phone. Alex is watching TV.
As you slide down the internet rabbit hole, you get a text from Beth, a close friend from univeristy. You haven't seen Beth since class in February before the lockdown. The two of you have stayed in contact a few times on messenger.
Beth is a fantastic soul but you personally know her caring spirit and tenacious concern means people divulge secrets to her.
Beth misses you and wants to know if you are free for a call tonight. You suggest zoom but she is all zoomed out; just talk. You two agree that she will call at 9:00 pm.
Are you
[[Excited that you'll be chatting with a close friend tonight?|Glad-1]]
[[Concerned that Beth will try to dig into your life|concern-1]]
[[Fearful she will want to talk about Alex because you can't talk freely|Alex-1]](set: $yougood to it +1)
(if: $win = 1)[(set: $yougood to it +1)]
(if: $win = 2)[(set: $yougood to it -1)]
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "11:00pm 24th - Groceries - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "11:00pm 24th - Groceries - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "11:00pm 24th - Groceries - Stay together")11:00 am, December 24th.
You grab the grocery list, mask, purse, and shopping bags.
Alex surprises you by stating they want to come along. You drive to the packed shopping center and navigate through the parking lot until you manage to find a spot.
You and Alex lock the car and head inside. Just as you are about to enter, Alex says they need to go get something. You shake your head, watching them depart, thinking they are probably going off to buy your Christmas gift.
You roll your eyes and head into the pestilence distribution center formally known as a grocery store.
As you shop, most people are aware of the one way aisles and six foot distancing. But there are a LOT of people and quite a few with exposed noses or zero personal space zones. A woman carrying a sniffling child backs right into you. An older man with his mask more scarf than face covering stomps towards you like a bull at a matador. Claustrophobia and anger join forces in your mind to squash all patience.
You finish shopping and head back to the car, grateful of the release from the moist mask. Alex is not back yet. You load the groceries and wait. Phone out, you send a text asking how long they will be. No response. You wait.
And wait.
Alex arrives fifteen minutes later with a Gamestop bag.
Do you
[[Snap at them for the disrespect of making you wait|Disrespect]]
[[Point out that the frozen goods are half melted now|Melted]]
[[Ask them what they got|Alex game]]
[[Give them a kiss and drive home|good]]11:00 am, December 24th.
You grab the grocery list, mask, purse, and shopping bags.
Alex surprises you by stating they want to come along. You drive to the packed shopping center and navigate through the parking lot until you manage to find a spot.
You and Alex lock the car and head inside. Just as you are about to enter, Alex says they need to go get something. You shake your head, watching them depart, thinking they are probably going off to buy your Christmas gift.
You roll your eyes and head into the pestilence distribution center formally known as a grocery store.
As you shop, most people are aware of the one way aisles and six foot distancing. But there are a LOT of people and quite a few with exposed noses or zero personal space zones. A woman carrying a sniffling child backs right into you. An older man with his mask more scarf than face covering stomps towards you like a bull at a matador. Claustrophobia and anger join forces in your mind to squash all patience.
You finish shopping and head back to the car, grateful of the release from the moist mask. Alex is not back yet. You load the groceries and wait. Phone out, you send a text asking how long they will be. No response. You wait.
And wait.
Alex arrives fifteen minutes later with a Gamestop bag.
Do you
[[Snap at them for the disrespect of making you wait|Disrespect-1]]
[[Point out that the frozen goods are half melted now|Melted-1]]
[[Ask them what they got|Alex game-1]]
[[Give them a kiss and drive home|good-1]]1:00 pm, December 24th.
Back from shopping and the stress of crowds you start preparing ingredients for dinner. You take a sip of wine and cast a Christmas stream to the bluetooth speaker. You nod your head as (color: #F8B229)[(dropdown: bind $song, "YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS SONG","Silent Night", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Oh Holy Night", "What Child is This")] starts up.
Alex calls from the second bedroom asking you to turn it down. even better would be to turn it off.
Do you
[[Turn up the music because it's Christmas for Christ's sake|volume up]]
[[Turn down the volume but enjoy the music as you cook|volume down]]
[[Turn the music off as requested but resent Alex for their complaint|Off and resent]]
[[Put earbuds in and enjoy the music|Quiet listen]]
[[Turn off the music|Off]]
2:30 pm, December 24th.
Cooking and sipping wine weighs on your eyelids like anchors. Time for a nap maybe. You go to the bedroom and lay on the sagging matress. (if: $yfear > 0)[But when you shut your eyes you feel the disappointment of your parents weighing on your mind because everything is not done yet.]
(if: $alexgood >= $yougood)[Like a kid down the block hearing the words "ice cream," Alex trots into the room. They look at you with an arched eyebrow and grinning expectations]
(if: $yougood > $alexgood)[You lie in bed thinking that it has been a while since you and Alex were under the covers with just skin and excitement.]
Do you:
[[Flip your back to the door and close your eyes desperate to find a couple minutes of sleep|nap]]
[[Call out to Alex and invite them into the bed with you|not nap]]5:00 pm, December 24th.
You set your laptop on the dining table facing your two place settings. Your plates are loaded with chicken fetuccine Alfredo and a thai red pepper, cilantro salad.
You and Alex plop into the seats and you place the zoom call to Alex's family. The screen comes up and everyone cheers. Before you can ask how they are doing, Alex's mom notes you didn't make turkey.
Do you:
[[Become defensive|Defensive]]
[[Agree with a laugh then explain turkey is coming tomorrow|Tomorrow]]
[[State you don't like turkey (but you do)|Lie]]
[[Wait for Alex to say something...but they do not|Alex nope]]6:30 pm, December 24th.
Dinner is over and the plates have been put away. You pick up your laptop and carry it into the living room where your little tree stands in a corner. All the presents delivered weeks ago from your respective familes are stacked and organized under the tree.
Alex's mom states she thinks your tiny tree is cute and it must be so much easier to decorate than her big seven foot monster. (if: $yfear > 2)[She laughs at her joke.]
(if: $alexgood > 3)[Alex puts their hand on yours and gives you a "I know, she's a lot to deal with but you're a trooper" smile]
Alex's dad takes charge and states that you and Alex will open your gifts first. (if: $comfort < 0)[This rankles you since you and Alex are adults too.]
Do you:
[[Comply with the order and begin opening your gifts?|comply]]
[[Redirect and insist they open their gifts first|Redirect]]
[[Ask them to open first because you need to go get something|leave room]]
7:00 pm, December 24th.
Open Christmas cards stand on your yellowed coffee table in their little V form. Mixed and mingled with the bright coloured cards are a new video game for Alex and a Starbucks giftcard for you. Alex told them that you liked coffee.
On the other side of your laptop screen, Alex's little brother is wearing his new wool scarf and their parents are just opening the new serving plate set you picked up from Williams Sonoma.
Alex's dad doesn't seem to know what to make of the gift. Alex's mom is very happy the return receipt is included because the plates just won't go with her other tableware.(if: $alexgood > 0)[ Alex smiles and is happy their mom plans to return the gift.](if: $yougood <= 0)[ You can't believe Alex's mom doesn't realize how much effort you put into finding a gift for them.]
Do you:
[[Explain how much time you spent getting them the perfect gift|explain]]
[[State you are glad they will be able to get something useful in exchange|exchange]]
[[Smile and thank them for the Starbucks gift card|Starbucks]]
[[Wait until the call is over then turn on Alex for their horrible parents|gulp]]9:00 pm, December 24th.
The Zoom call with Alex's family ends and you heave a sigh of relief. You feel like you have been holding your breath for hours.
Alex gives you a hug and tells you since you have the call with Beth soon, they're going to try out the new game from their parents. They leave you with your glass of wine on the couch in the living room. Soon you can hear the intense click-clacking from their fingers hitting the gaming keyboard.
Right on time your phone starts buzzing.
You shut off the music and [[answer the phone.|answer]]
8:00 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Christmas day at last. You wake up to the ususal Christmas morning magic permeating the air. No matter what is going on the world, December 25th always starts awesome.(if: $delay >=300)[ But you are feeling the weight of too much alcohol or too much isolation or something because you feel sluggish. You feel everything is slower today.]]
(live: $delay*8)[You wake up at the same time as Alex and make eye contact with your partner.(if: $goal <0)[ Mutual grins light your faces and you jump to secret hiding spots for your respective gifts.](else:)[ You smile at each other and retrieve each other's gifts.]]
(live: $delay*12)[Presents are exchanged and you both rip them open like greedy children.]
(live: $delay*16)[You got Alex a gift card for Steam so they can try out lots of new games.]
{(live: $delay*20)[Alex got you a stainless steel wok, because "you are always complaing about your pans."](live: $delay*24)[ Unfortunately Alex ordered the wok too late in December and it hasn't arrived yet.](live: $delay*28)[ The gift you opened is just a picture of a wok in a Christmas card.](live: $delay*32)[ A Super Mario Christmas card purchased yesterday from Gamestop.]}
Do you:
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[Thank Alex for the thoughtful gift and give them a hug and kiss|All good]]]
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[Say thanks, get up, and go make coffee|neutral]]]
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[State your pans are high quality, but thanks for the wok|Alex doesn't listen well]]]
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[State that you hope the return receipt will come with the wok|ouch]]]
8:30 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[The sun shines in through the kitchen window as you make a big breakfast.](live: $delay*8)[ Alex is putting prepaid Steam funds into their account.]
(live: $delay*12)[You are alone in the kitchen scrambling eggs and making toast.](live: $delay*16)[ A jug of fresh mimosa, from which you have indulged a (if: $yougood < 2)[rather large ]sample, hides in the fridge.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Call Alex into the kitchen to join you preparing breakfast.|Alex joins]]]
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Continue cooking and sipping and basking in the sunlight.|alone ok]]]
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Not think about the alcohol in your grasp as you gulp it down alone.|alone not ok]]]
10:00 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Breakfast is complete and Alex is off gaming.](live: $delay*8)[(if: $yougood > 3)[ You are really happy they are so happy](if: $yougood < 0)[ You can't believe you are alone for Christmas while living with a partner.]]
(live: $delay*12)[You decide you want to read the news so you grab your phone. It is out of battery. When you charged it last night you did not put the cord in the jack properly.](live: $delay*16)[ You plug it in with care and a curse then grab Alex's phone.](live: $delay*20)[ You both have long ago shared passwords for each other's devices.]
(live: $delay*24)[You open it up and start reading the news but then a text comes in from one of Alex's friends.](live: $delay*28)[ You accidently open messenger while scrolling through the news.](live: $delay*32)[ You exit the message and mark it as unread.](live: $delay*36)[ Just as you are about to go back to the news you see a message chain with Melissa.](live: $delay*40)[ Alex had an ex named Melissa.]
(live: $delay*44)[You can't help yourself, heart thumping, you go into the message chain and start reading. (if: $yougood is <=1)[You expect the worst.]]
{(live: $delay*48)[(if: $yougood <0)[You knew it. The messages all seem friendly but you can read between the lines. There is something more there.](if: $yougood >= 0)[There is nothing bad about any of the texts...but there sure are a lot of them.]]}
Do you:
(live: $delay*52)[(stop:) [[Put the phone down and take a deep breath: nothing is going on|seems fine]]]
(live: $delay*52)[(stop:) [[Put the phone down and cover your tracks back to the original screen because it's clear they're cheating|cheats]]]
(live: $delay*52)[(stop:) [[Put the phone down but leave it open on Melissa's texts|subtle]]]10:30 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[ It's a family tradition to stroll in nature on Christmas.](live: $delay*8)[ Some of your fondest memories stem from running behind your parents as they bored a trench through deep powder or stacking huge snow boulders to create an equivalent snow family.]
(live: $delay*12)[ After reading Alex's (if: $goal >4)[cheating ](if: $goal <0)[innocuous ]texts to Melissa you are compelled to connect with some positivity.]
(live: $delay*16)[ You stand at the entrance of the dark second bedroom within which headset clad Alex sits enggrossed, staring at their World of Warcraft shaman character.](live: $delay*20)[ (if: $yougood < 0)[They are too focused on the game to spend time with you.] (if: $yougood > 0)[You are reluctant to distrurb them since they seem to be having fun.]]
Do you
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Ask Alex to come join you on a Christmas Day walk|11:00 am 25th - Walk alone - Ask - Breakup]]]
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Leave for a walk by yourself without saying anything.|11:00 am 25th - Walk alone - Alone time - Breakup]]]
Noon, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[You wander back to the apartment. Upon opening the door, you are hit with a distinct smell: (if: $alexgood > 0)[Alex made hot chocolate and grilled cheese sandwiches. Specifically they used smoked gouda, your favourite](if: $alexgood <= 0)[The ruinuous odor of burnt plastic.]]
(live: $delay*8)[(if: $alexgood > 0)[Saliva flows as you hang your jacket and shed your shoes. A quick prance to the table then nom nom nom on your favourite sandwich. Alex looks over and you share a sweet smile.](if: $alexgood <= 0)[Alex explains they wanted mac and cheese so they flicked on the range and set a plastic stir spoon in the pot on the element. They were just about to measure the water when they got a call from a guild member. Distracted, they went back to the bedroom to asssist. The fire alarm alerted them to the problem after it was too late to stop. The spoon is a melted mess and the pot should probably not be used again.]]
Do you:
(live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Give Alex a kiss and hug|Nice]]]
(if: $alexgood <=0)[(live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Give Alex a lecture on how to cook properly|Lecture]]]
(live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Berate Alex for being so oblivious|Berate]]]
1:00 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[You clean up the (if: $alexgood <=0)[remains of pot and spoon ](if: $alexgood >0)[lunch dishes ]and prepare to do some baking.](live: $delay*8)[ Christmas Day cookies are another tradition that you feel you need more than ever.](live: $delay*12)[ Nothing quite beats the smell of cookies in the oven.]
(live: $delay*16)[You coax Alex out of their cave to join you. (if: $alexgood < 0)[They are reluctant and seem irritated at the interuption.]](live: $delay*20)[ You both wash your hands then dig them into flours, sugars, and flavourings.](if: $yougood > 0)[ A flour fight ends as abrubtly as it starts with a fist full of white powder choking the air. You both struggle for oxygen through laughs and coughs.](live: $delay*24)[ Cookie dough is prepared and placed on the pan.](live: $delay*28)[ In the oven they go then ten minutes later you struggle not to pop burning deliciousness into your face.](if: $alexgood <0)[ Alex goes back to gaming.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Make a small plate of cookies and bring them to Alex|Nice cookie]]]
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Make a plate for yourself. Alex can fend for themself|Neutral cookie]]]
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Think about how you are all alone eating cookies|alone cookie]]]4:00 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Two weeks earlier you had bought two puzzles that were identical and sent one with the gifts to your family.](live: $delay*8)[ Now you sit at your dining room table with the pieces of one spread before your laptop computer.](live: $delay*12)[ Your mother and father sit on the other side of the screen placing pieces of the other.](live: $delay*16)[ Gentle Christmas music floats through your laptop speakers from their house.]
(live: $delay*20)[You sip from a glass of wine.](live: $delay*24)[ Your mother regales you about the comings and goings their townhouse community.](live: $delay*28)[ You and your father say very little as your mother fills the quiet.]
(live: $delay*32)[Raid completed, Alex began playing the new game from their parents in the other room.]
(live: $delay*36)[You sip some more wine.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Keep listening to your mother; place puzzle piece after puzzle piece |diatribe]]]
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Try to steer the conversation to something interesting|attempt]]]
5:00 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[The puzzle session with your parents slips into dinner and you plug in your laptop to keep it going.](live: $delay*8)[ The three of you prepare food, each in your two respective homes.] (if: $yougood <0)[You remove a half dozen empty wine bottles off the counter to make room for cutting boards and ingredients.](live: $delay*12)[ Your mother talks about the cooking she did with people from her past. You and your father are attentive.]
(live: $delay*16)[You give Alex a ten minute warning for dinner.](live: $delay*20)[ They come out almost right away and set the table.](live: $delay*24)[ You all enjoy dinner together (if: $alexgood <0)[but Alex seems reserved].]
(live: $delay*28)[(stop:)
(if: $yougood >0)[ [[Dinner is nice, Alex and your parents get along great|all good]]]}
{(if: $yougood <=0)[ [[Dinner is ok, Alex is distant and doesn't talk much|distant]]]}
{(if: $alexgood > 0)[ [[Alex smiles and laughs at your dad's jokes|Happy alex]]]}
{(if: $alexgood <=0)[ [[Alex plays games on their phone during dinner|gamer Alex]]]
]6:30 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Dinner is over and everyone helps clean up the two kitchens.](live: $delay*8)[ Content bellies slow your movements.](live: $delay*12)[ After dishes are done, you each bring laptops to your respective living rooms to open gifts.]
(live: $delay*16)[
(if: $alexgood > 0)[Alex is excited to receive a giftcard for World of Warcraft from your parents. Your father looks at you and smiles a thank you.]
(live: $delay*20)[You purchased a set of linen napkins with a plaid, cream and tan pattern.](live: $delay*22)[ Very classy.](live: $delay*26)[ Your mom states they are gorgeous.](live: $delay*30)[ Your dad sees the return receipt in the box and wonders what it is.](live: $delay*34)[ You let him know it is the return receipt in case they wanted to a different colour or something.](live: $delay*38)[ He doesn't look happy and stops talking. (if: $yougood < 0)[You can tell your dad is angry about the receipt. You knew he would be but Alex would not listen.]]
(live: $delay*42)[(stop:) [[You are going to lay into Alex later for making you include the receipt|bad receipt]]]
(live: $delay*42)[(stop:) [[Your chest is tight thinking of your father's anger|dad anger]]]
(live: $delay*42)[(stop:) [[You take a deep breath, everything is fine|all is good]]]8:00 am, December 26th.
(live: $delay*4)[Clouds in the sky block the sun, dim light enters you room to play with your closed eyes.]
(live: $delay*8)[You made it through Christmas, although today does not feel different than yesterday.](live: $delay*8)[ You are confused for a moment until you look at your phone and confirm today is the 26th.]
(live: $delay*12)[You look across the bed and see Alex is not there.(if: $yougood <0 )[You figure they are playing games already.](if: $yougood >=0)[You think you might smell coffee brewing.]]
Do you:
(live: $delay*16)[(stop:) [[Think Alex is gaming.|bad thoughts]]]
(live: $delay*16)[(stop:) [[Think Alex is getting ingredients ready to make you breakfast.|breakfast]]]9:00 am, December 26th.
(live: $delay*4)[The aroma of coffee lifts your head from the pillow, drags clothes onto your body, and drags you down the hall to the kitchen.]
(live: $delay*8)[Alex is scrambling eggs, popping toast, and pouring coffee.](live: $delay*8)[ The table is set, and you are just in time.](live: $delay*12)[ They smile at you and hand you a mug.]
(live: $delay*16)[You sit down at the table and fork food into your mouth.](live: $delay*20)[ You two start talking about your plans today.](live: $delay*24)[ Alex leans in and says they want to spend the day with you (if: $yougood <0 )[but you can see they want to go play games again all day. It's like you're single with an extra side of disappointment. Your thoughts from the 24th were true: it's time you were alone.](if: $yougood >=0)[and you can tell they mean it.]]
Do you:
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Love that Alex wants to spend the day with you.|Believe]]]
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Think that Alex doesn't really want to spend the day with you.|doubt]]]9:30 am, December 26th.
All through breakfast your heart pounds in your chest, riding the edge of bursting. You are impelled to enunciate how you feel.
You ask Alex if you can talk to them for a moment. They say of course and wait for your words.
[[I love you. I just don't know what I would do without you|end1]]
[[This isn't working, you and me. I am alone all the time|end3]]
[[I love you. Do you love me?|end2]]
[[This isn't working. I'm sorry, you're great, I just need a change.|end4]]
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $song is "Silent Night")[(track: 'Silent', 'play')]
(if: $song is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")[(track: 'God', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Oh Holy Night")[(track: 'Holy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "What Child is This")[(track: 'Child', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Angels we Have Heard on High")[(track: 'Angels', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Joy to the World")[(track: 'Joy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "The First Noel")[(track: 'First', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Jingle Bells")[(track: 'Jingle', 'play')]
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Breakup")
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $song is "Silent Night")[(track: 'Silent', 'play')]
(if: $song is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")[(track: 'God', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Oh Holy Night")[(track: 'Holy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "What Child is This")[(track: 'Child', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Angels we Have Heard on High")[(track: 'Angels', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Joy to the World")[(track: 'Joy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "The First Noel")[(track: 'First', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Jingle Bells")[(track: 'Jingle', 'play')]
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Breakup")(if: $song is "Silent Night")[(track: 'Silent', 'play')]
(if: $song is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")[(track: 'God', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Oh Holy Night")[(track: 'Holy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "What Child is This")[(track: 'Child', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Angels we Have Heard on High")[(track: 'Angels', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Joy to the World")[(track: 'Joy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "The First Noel")[(track: 'First', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Jingle Bells")[(track: 'Jingle', 'play')]
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "5:00 pm 24th - Dinner Alex’s family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "5:00 pm 24th - Dinner Alex’s family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Breakup")(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "7:00 pm 24th - Alex family no like gift - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(goto: "7:00 pm 24th - Alex family no like gift - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "7:00 pm 24th - Alex family no like gift - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Breakup")
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "10:00 am 25th - Alex’s phone - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "10:00 am 25th - Alex’s phone - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:00 am 25th - Alex’s phone - Breakup")(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "10:30 am - Ask Alex to go walk - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +2)
(set: $delay to it +200)
(goto: "10:30 am - Ask Alex to go walk - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:30 am - Ask Alex to go walk - Breakup")(group: 'playing', 'stop')
(track: 'answer', 'play')
(live: 2s)[(stop:)"Hey Beth Merry Christmas to you, too." The memories of hanging out with friends floods the dessrt hideout of your soul.](live: 5s)[ [["How are you doing?"|How doing]]](track: 'how doing', 'play')
(live: 12s)[(stop:)You look over at the second bedroom and hear the telltale keyboard clacks which confirm Alex is still engaged.]
(live: 19s)[(stop:)[["Alex and I are fine, I guess, so that's good."|fine]]]
(live: 19s)[(stop:)[["I think I need to break up with Alex."|Break]]]
(live: 19s)[(stop:)[["Good. I am happy it is Christmas."|deflect]]](set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "What does that mean?")
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "Oh Hon")
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "Oh Hon")
(goto: "Uh huh")
(track: 'Oh hon1', 'play')
(live: 5s)[(stop:)"After Christmas."]
(live: 7s)[(stop:)(track: 'Oh hon2', 'play')]
(live: 15s)[(stop:)[["I know. Thanks Beth"|deny]]](track: 'What does that mean?', 'play')
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["I think I'm going to break up with Alex"|Mean 1]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Everything just feels so hard"|Mean 2]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Nothing at all. Everything is great"|Mean 3]]](track: 'Uh huh', 'play')
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Yeah I'm really happy"|Uh huh 1]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Yeah, no...Things just feel really hard"|Uh huh 2]]](track: 'feels', 'play')
(live: 24s)[(stop:)[["How do you know if things are hard because of COVID or something in your life isn't good, like your relationship?"|Know]]]You and Beth chat for another 45 minutes. A second glass of wine flows through you as you converse about COVID restrictions, old classmates, work, spouses and life in general with Beth. But you don't talk about Alex anymore.
Eventually you hang up with assurances that you will both do a better job keeping in touch. A promise to stay connected that you absolutely intended to keep at the time you issue it.
You head to bed with the sound of click-clacking issuing from the second bedroom.
[[Wake up on Christmas day|8:00 am 25th - You Alex gifts - Breakup]]
(track: 'know', 'play')
(live: 11s)[(stop:)[["Yeah, maybe"|deny]]](set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "Oh Hon")
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "feels")(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "deny")(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "deny")(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "feels")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "12:00am 24th - Stop for gas - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "12:00am 24th - Stop for gas - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "12:00am 24th - Stop for gas - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "12:00am 24th - Stop for gas - Breakup"){
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
11:00 am, December 25th.
(Live: $delay*4)[Pebbles crunch between your footfalls and the concreate sidewalk. No snow here in Victoria.]
(Live: $delay*8)[Alex was about to run a raid on World of Warcraft and they didn't want the team to go short handed.](Live: $delay*12)[ You didn't feel like driving out of the City to find some nature.]
(Live: $delay*16)[ Your trees are the concrete and brick buildings, your snow is dust, dirt, and the detritus from the humans living and working downtown.]
Do you:
(Live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Turn around. This walk sucks the joy from your memories|bad memories]]]
(Live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Keep going. It doesn't compare to the past but the exertion feels good|keep walking]]]
(Live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Keep going and think about how Alex prefers to spend time with people they have never met|Alex sucks]]]
(set: $goal to it +1)
11:00 am, December 25th.
(Live: $delay*4)[Pebbles crunch between your footfalls and the concreate sidewalk. No snow here in Victoria.]
(Live: $delay*8)[Your trees are the concrete and brick buildings, your snow is dust, dirt, and the detritus from the humans living and working downtown.]
Do you:
(Live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Turn around. This walk sucks the joy from your memories|bad memories]]]
(Live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Keep going. It doesn't compare to the past but the exertion feels good|keep walking]]]
(Live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Keep going and think about how Alex prefers to spend time with people they have never met|Alex sucks]]]
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "12:00 pm 25th - Alex been good-bad - Breakup")
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "12:00 pm 25th - Alex been good-bad - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "12:00 pm 25th - Alex been good-bad - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "1:00 pm 25th - Christmas baking with Alex - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "1:00 pm 25th - Christmas baking with Alex - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "1:00 pm 25th - Christmas baking with Alex - Breakup")(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "4:00 pm 25th - Puzzling with your family - Breakup")
(goto: "4:00 pm 25th - Puzzling with your family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "4:00 pm 25th - Puzzling with your family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "5:00 pm 25th - Dinner with your family - Breakup")Your mother grabs your conversation and snaps it back to the activities of people you have never met.
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(goto: "5:00 pm 25th - Dinner with your family - Breakup")](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "7:30 pm 25th - Father call -Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -2)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +200)
(goto: "7:30 pm 25th - Father call -Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +2)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -2)
(if: $delay > 200)[(set: $delay to it -200)]
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 am 26th - Alex makes breakfast - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "9:00 am 26th - Alex makes breakfast - Breakup")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "10:00 am 26th - End 1 -Breakup")
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:00 am 26th - End 1 -Breakup")Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th. Push come to shove you have decided that you love Alex and you would be lost without them. (if: $goal > 0)[However, your actions over the last couple days speak otherwise](else:)[Your actions over the past couple days have spoken to this deeper desire].
(if: $alexgood < 0)[Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while.](else:)[Alex states they are happy enough as things are.] (if: $goal <= 0)[Alex is confused why you are bringing this up now.] You take a moment to try and understand what they mean.
(if: $goal > 0)[Alex tells you it's best if maybe one of you moves out.](if: $win is 4)[You were worried about hurting them,](else:)[You didn't want to be alone,](if: $alexgood < 0)[ now Alex is breaking up with you.](if: $alexgood >0)[ but it seems like things will be ok.]
Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom. (if: $goal >0 )[You are left to stand in the kitchen wondering whether you made the right choice.](else:)[ You stand alone in the kitchen with breakfast's aroma flowing around you.]
Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th. Push come to shove you have decided that you love Alex and you would be lost without them. (if: $goal > 0)[However, your actions over the last couple days speak otherwise](else:)[Your actions over the past couple days have spoken to this deeper desire].
(if: $alexgood < 0)[Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while.](else:)[Alex states they are happy enough as things are.] (if: $goal <= 0)[Alex is confused why you are bringing this up now.] You take a moment to try and understand what they mean.
(if: $goal > 0)[Alex tells you it's best if maybe one of you moves out.](if: $win is 4)[You were worried about hurting them,](else:)[You didn't want to be alone,](if: $alexgood < 0)[ now Alex is breaking up with you.](if: $alexgood >0)[ but it seems like things will be ok.]
Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom. (if: $goal >0 )[You are left to stand in the kitchen wondering whether you made the right choice.](else:)[ You stand alone in the kitchen with breakfast's aroma flowing around you.]
Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th. Time spent over the last two days has only reinforced those thoughts. (if: $goal > 0)[ Your actions over the last couple days have supported your position](else:)[Your actions over the past couple days present a different desire though. Maybe you are making a mistake].
(if: $alexgood < 0)[Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while either.](if: $goal > 0)[Alex states they are happy enough as things are.] You take a moment to try and understand what they mean. (if: $win is 3)[You wonder if Alex ever even cared for you.]
(if: $goal > 0)[Alex tells you they can move in with their parents. You agree that is for the best](if: $win is 4)[You state you are sorry things didn't work out.]
Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom. (if: $goal <=0 )[You are left to stand in the kitchen wondering whether you made the right choice.](else:)[You stand alone in the kitchen with breakfast's aroma dissipating around you.]
Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th. Time spent over the last two days has only reinforced those thoughts. (if: $goal > 0)[ Your actions over the last couple days have supported your position](else:)[Your actions over the past couple days present a different desire though. Maybe you are making a mistake].
(if: $alexgood < 0)[Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while either.](if: $goal > 0)[Alex states they are happy enough as things are.](if: $alexgood<=0)[Alex says it doesn't matter if you are sorry.] You take a moment to try and understand what they mean. (if: $win is 3)[You wonder if Alex ever even cared for you.]
(if: $goal > 0)[Alex tells you they can move in with their parents. You agree that is for the best](if: $win is 4)[You state you are sorry things didn't work out.]
Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom. (if: $goal <=0 )[You are left to stand in the kitchen wondering whether you made the right choice.](else:)[You stand alone in the kitchen with breakfast's aroma dissipating around you.]
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "12:00pm 24th - Stop for gas - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "12:00pm 24th - Stop for gas - Stay together")(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "12:00pm 24th - Stop for gas - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "12:00pm 24th - Stop for gas - Stay together")1:00 pm, December 24th.
Back from shopping and the stress of crowds you start preparing ingredients for dinner. You take a sip of wine and cast a Christmas stream to the bluetooth speaker. You nod your head as (color: #F8B229)[(dropdown: bind $song, "YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS SONG","Silent Night", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Oh Holy Night", "What Child is This")] starts up.
Alex calls from the second bedroom asking you to turn it down. even better would be to turn it off.
Do you
[[Turn up the music because it is Christmas for Christ's sake|volume up-1]]
[[Turn down the volume but enjoy the music as you cook|volume down-1]]
[[Turn the music off as requested but resent Alex for their complaint|Off and resent-1]]
[[Put earbuds in and enjoy the music|Quiet listen-1]]
[[Turn off the music|Off-1]]2:30 pm, December 24th.
Cooking and sipping wine weighs on your eyelids like anchors. Time for a nap maybe. You go to the bedroom and lay on the sagging matress. (if: $yfear > 0)[But when you shut your eyes you feel the disappointment of your parents weighing on your mind because everything is not done yet.]
(if: $alexgood >= $yougood)[Like a kid down the block hearing the words "ice cream," Alex trots into the room. They look at you with an arched eyebrow and grinning expectations]
(if: $yougood > $alexgood)[You lie in bed thinking that it has been a while since you and Alex were under the covers with just skin and excitement.]
Do you:
[[Flip your back to the door and close your eyes desperate to find a couple minutes of sleep|nap-1]]
[[Call out to Alex and invite them into the bed with you|not nap-1]]5:00 pm, December 24th.
You set your laptop on the dining table facing your two place settings. Your plates are loaded with chicken fetuccine Alfredo and a thai red pepper, cilantro salad.
You and Alex plop into the seats and you place the zoom call to Alex's family. The screen comes up and everyone cheers. Before you can ask how they are doing, Alex's mom notes you didn't make turkey.
Do you:
[[Become defensive|Defensive-1]]
[[Agree with a laugh then explain turkey is coming tomorrow|Tomorrow-1]]
[[State you don't like turkey (but you do)|Lie-1]]
[[Wait for Alex to say something...but they do not|Alex nope-1]](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(if: $song is "Silent Night")[(track: 'Silent', 'play')]
(if: $song is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")[(track: 'God', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Oh Holy Night")[(track: 'Holy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "What Child is This")[(track: 'Child', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Angels we Have Heard on High")[(track: 'Angels', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Joy to the World")[(track: 'Joy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "The First Noel")[(track: 'First', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Jingle Bells")[(track: 'Jingle', 'play')]
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Stay together")(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $song is "Silent Night")[(track: 'Silent', 'play')]
(if: $song is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")[(track: 'God', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Oh Holy Night")[(track: 'Holy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "What Child is This")[(track: 'Child', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Angels we Have Heard on High")[(track: 'Angels', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Joy to the World")[(track: 'Joy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "The First Noel")[(track: 'First', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Jingle Bells")[(track: 'Jingle', 'play')]
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Stay together")(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $song is "Silent Night")[(track: 'Silent', 'play')]
(if: $song is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")[(track: 'God', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Oh Holy Night")[(track: 'Holy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "What Child is This")[(track: 'Child', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Angels we Have Heard on High")[(track: 'Angels', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Joy to the World")[(track: 'Joy', 'play')]
(if: $song is "The First Noel")[(track: 'First', 'play')]
(if: $song is "Jingle Bells")[(track: 'Jingle', 'play')]
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "2:30 pm 24th - Request for sex - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "5:00 pm 24th - Dinner Alex’s family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "5:00 pm 24th - Dinner Alex’s family - Stay together")(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Stay together")6:30 pm, December 24th.
Dinner is over and the plates have been put away. You pick up your laptop and carry it into the living room where your little tree stands in a corner. All the presents delivered weeks ago from your respective familes are stacked and organized under the tree.
Alex's mom states she thinks your tiny tree is cute and it must be so much easier to decorate than her big seven foot monster. (if: $yfear > 2)[She laughs at her joke.]
(if: $alexgood > 3)[Alex puts their hand on yours and gives you a "I know, she's a lot to deal with but you're a trooper" smile]
Alex's dad takes charge and states that you and Alex will open your gifts first. (if: $comfort < 0)[This rankles you since you and Alex are adults too.]
Do you:
[[Comply with the order and begin opening your gifts?|comply-1]]
[[Redirect and insist they open their gifts first|Redirect-1]]
[[Ask them to open first because you need to go get something|leave room-1]]
7:00 pm, December 24th.
Open Christmas cards stand on your yellowed coffee table in their little V form. Mixed and mingled with the bright coloured cards are a new video game for Alex and a Starbucks giftcard for you. Alex told them that you liked coffee.
On the other side of your laptop screen, Alex's little brother is wearing his new wool scarf and their parents are just opening the new serving plate set you picked up from Williams Sonoma.
Alex's dad doesn't seem to know what to make of the gift. Alex's mom is very happy the return receipt is included because the plates just won't go with her other tableware.(if: $alexgood > 0)[ Alex smiles and is happy their mom plans to return the gift.](if: $yougood <= 0)[ You can't believe Alex's mom doesn't realize how much effort you put into finding a gift for them.]
Do you:
[[Explain how much time you spent getting them the perfect gift|explain-1]]
[[State you are glad they will be able to get something useful in exchange|exchange-1]]
[[Smile and thank them for the Starbucks gift card|Starbucks-1]]
[[Wait until the call is over then turn on Alex for their horrible parents|gulp-1]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - gift open Alex family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "7:00 pm 24th - Alex family no like gift - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(goto: "7:00 pm 24th - Alex family no like gift - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "7:00 pm 24th - Alex family no like gift - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -2)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 pm 24th - Call with Beth - Stay together")9:00 pm, December 24th.
The Zoom call with Alex's family ends and you heave a sigh of relief. You feel like you have been holding your breath for hours.
Alex gives you a hug and tells you since you have the call with Beth soon, they're going to try out the new game from their parents. They leave you with your glass of wine on the couch in the living room. Soon you can hear the intense click-clacking from their fingers hitting the gaming keyboard.
Right on time your phone starts buzzing.
You [[answer the phone.|answer-1]](group: 'playing', 'stop')
(track: 'answer', 'play')
(live: 2s)[(stop:)"Hey Beth Merry Christmas to you, too." The memories of hanging out with friends floods the desert hideout of your soul.](live: 5s)[ [["How are you doing?"|How doing-1]]](track: 'how doing', 'play')
(live: 12s)[(stop:)You look over at the second bedroom and hear the telltale keyboard clacks which confirm Alex is still engaged.]
(live: 19s)[(stop:)[["Alex and I are fine, I guess, so that's good."|fine-1]]]
(live: 19s)[(stop:)[["I think I might break up with Alex."|cheat-1]]]
(live: 19s)[(stop:)[["Good. I am happy it is Christmas."|deflect-1]]](set: $goal to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "What does that mean?-1")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "Oh Hon-1")(set: $yougood to it -2)
(set: $goal to it -2)
(set: $delay to it +200)
(goto: "Oh Hon-1")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "Uh huh-1")
(track: 'Oh hon1', 'play')
(live: 5s)[(stop:)"After Christmas."]
(live: 7s)[(stop:)(track: 'Oh hon2', 'play')]
(live: 15s)[(stop:)[["I know. Thanks Beth"|deny-1]]](track: 'What does that mean?', 'play')
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["I think I'm going to break up with Alex"|Mean 1-1]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Everything just feels so hard"|Mean 2-1]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Nothing at all. Everything is great"|Mean 3-1]]]You and Beth chat for another 45 minutes. A second glass of wine flows through you as you converse about COVID restrictions, old classmates, work, spouses and life in general with Beth. But you don't talk about Alex anymore.
Eventually you hang up with assurances that you will both do a better job keeping in touch. A promise to stay connected that you absolutely intended to keep at the time you issue it.
You head to bed with the sound of click-clacking issuing from the second bedroom.
[[Wake up on Christmas day|8:00 am 25th - You Alex gifts - Stay together]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -3)
(set: $delay to it +200)
(goto: "Oh Hon-1")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "feels-1")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $delay to it -100)
(goto: "deny-1")(track: 'Uh huh', 'play')
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Yeah I'm really happy"|Uh huh 1-1]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)[["Yeah, no...Things just feel really hard"|Uh huh 2-1]]]
(goto: "deny-1")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "feels-1")(track: 'feels', 'play')
(live: 24s)[(stop:)[["How do you know if things are hard because of COVID or something in your life isn't good, like your relationship?"|Know-1]]](track: 'know', 'play')
(live: 11s)[(stop:)[["Yeah, maybe"|deny-1]]]8:00 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Christmas day at last. You wake up to the ususal Christmas morning magic permeating the air. No matter what is going on the world, December 25th always starts awesome.(if: $delay >=300)[ But you are feeling the weight of too much alcohol or too much isolation or something because you feel sluggish. You feel everything is slower today.]]
(live: $delay*8)[You wake up at the same time as Alex and make eye contact with your partner.(if: $goal <0)[ Mutual grins light your faces and you jump to secret hiding spots for your respective gifts.](else:)[ You smile at each other and retrieve each other's gifts.]]
(live: $delay*12)[Presents are exchanged and you both rip them open like greedy children.]
(live: $delay*16)[You got Alex a gift card for Steam so they can try out lots of new games.]
{(live: $delay*20)[Alex got you a stainless steel wok, because "you are always complaing about your pans."](live: $delay*24)[ Unfortunately Alex ordered the wok too late in December and it hasn't arrived yet.](live: $delay*28)[ The gift you opened is just a picture of a wok in a Christmas card.](live: $delay*32)[ A Super Mario Christmas card purchased yesterday from Gamestop.]}
Do you:
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[Thank Alex for the thoughtful gift and give them a hug and kiss|All good-1]]]
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[Say thanks, get up, and go make coffee|neutral-1]]]
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[State your pans are high quality, but thanks for the wok|Alex doesn't listen well-1]]]
(live: $delay*36)[(stop:) [[State that you hope the return receipt will come with the wok|ouch-1]]](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Stay together")
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Stay together")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "8:30 am 25th - big breakfast - Stay together")8:30 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[The sun shines in through the kitchen window as you make a big breakfast.](live: $delay*8)[ Alex is putting prepaid Steam funds into their account.]
(live: $delay*12)[You are alone in the kitchen scrambling eggs and making toast.](live: $delay*16)[ A jug of fresh mimosa, from which you have indulged a (if: $yougood < 2)[rather large ]sample, hides in the fridge.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Call Alex into the kitchen to join you preparing breakfast|Alex joins-1]]]
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Continue cooking and sipping and basking in the sunlight|alone ok-1]]]
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Not think about the alcohol in your grasp as you sip it alone|alone not ok-1]]]10:00 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Breakfast is complete and Alex is off gaming.](live: $delay*8)[(if: $yougood > 3)[ You are really happy they are so happy](if: $yougood < 0)[ You can't believe you are alone for Christmas while living with a partner.]]
(live: $delay*12)[You decide you want to read the news so you grab your phone. It is out of battery. When you charged it last night you did not put the cord in the jack correctly.](live: $delay*16)[ You plug it in with care and a curse then grab Alex's phone.](live: $delay*20)[ You both have long ago shared passwords for each other's devices.]
(live: $delay*24)[You open it up and start reading the news but then a text comes in from one of Alex's friends.](live: $delay*28)[ You accidently open messenger while scrolling through the news.](live: $delay*32)[ You exit the message and mark it as unread.](live: $delay*36)[ Just as you are about to go back to the news you see a message chain with Melissa.](live: $delay*40)[ Alex had an ex named Melissa.]
(live: $delay*44)[You can't help yourself, heart thumping, you go into the message chain and start reading. (if: $yougood is <=1)[You expect the worst.]]
{(live: $delay*48)[(if: $yougood <0)[You knew it. The messages all seem friendly but you can read between the lines. There is something more there.](if: $yougood >= 0)[There is nothing bad about any of the texts...but there sure are a lot of them.]]}
Do you:
(live: $delay*52)[(stop:) [[Put the phone down and take a deep breath: nothing is going on|seems fine-1]]]
(live: $delay*52)[(stop:) [[Put the phone down and cover your tracks back to the original screen because it's clear they're cheating|cheats-1]]]
(live: $delay*52)[(stop:) [[Put the phone down but leave it open on Melissa's texts|subtle-1]]]10:30 am, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[ It's a family tradition to stroll in nature on Christmas.](live: $delay*8)[ Some of your fondest memories stem from running behind your parents as they bored a trench through deep powder or stacking huge snow boulders to create an equivalent snow family.]
(live: $delay*12)[ After reading Alex's (if: $goal >4)[cheating ](if: $goal <0)[innocuous ]texts to Melissa you are compelled to connect with some positivity.]
(live: $delay*16)[ You stand at the entrance of the dark second bedroom within which headset clad Alex sits enggrossed, staring at their World of Warcraft shaman character.](live: $delay*20)[ (if: $yougood < 0)[They are too focused on the game to spend time with you.] (if: $yougood > 0)[You are reluctant to distrurb them since they seem to be having fun.]]
Do you
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Ask Alex to come join you on a Christmas Day walk|11:00 am 25th - Walk alone - Ask - Stay together]]]
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Leave for a walk by yourself without saying anything.|11:00 am 25th - Walk alone - Alone time - Stay together]]]Noon, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[You wander back to the apartment. Upon opening the door, you are hit with a distinct smell: (if: $alexgood > 0)[Alex made hot chocolate and grilled cheese sandwiches. Specifically they used smoked gouda, your favourite](if: $alexgood <= 0)[The ruinuous odor of burnt plastic.]]
(live: $delay*8)[(if: $alexgood > 0)[Saliva flows as you hang your jacket and shed your shoes. A quick prance to the table then nom nom nom on your favourite sandwich. Alex looks over and you share a sweet smile.](if: $alexgood <= 0)[Alex explains they wanted mac and cheese so they flicked on the range and set a plastic stir spoon in the pot on the element. They were just about to measure the water when they got a call from a guild member. Distracted, they went back to the bedroom to asssist. The fire alarm alerted them to the problem after it was too late to stop. The spoon is a melted mess and the pot should probably not be used again.]]
Do you:
(live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Give Alex a kiss and hug|Nice-1]]]
(if: $alexgood<=0)[(live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Give Alex a lecture on how to cook properly|Lecture-1]]]
(live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Berate Alex for being so oblivious|Berate-1]]]
](set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "10:00 am 25th - Alex’s phone - Stay together")
(goto: "10:00 am 25th - Alex’s phone - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:00 am 25th - Alex’s phone - Stay together")(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "10:30 am - Ask Alex to go walk - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -2)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:30 am - Ask Alex to go walk - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:30 am - Ask Alex to go walk - Stay together")11:00 am, December 25th.
(Live: $delay*4)[Pebbles crunch between your footfalls and the concreate sidewalk. No snow here in Victoria.]
(Live: $delay*8)[Alex was about to run a raid on World of Warcraft and they didn't want the team to go short handed.](Live: $delay*12)[ You didn't feel like driving out of the City to find some nature.]
(Live: $delay*16)[ Your trees are the concrete and brick buildings, your snow is dust, dirt, and the detritus from the humans living and working downtown.]
Do you:
(Live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Turn around. This walk sucks the joy from your memories|bad memories-1]]]
(Live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Keep going. It doesn't compare to the past but the exertion feels good|keep walking-1]]]
(Live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Keep going and think about how Alex prefers to spend time with people they have never met|Alex sucks-1]]]
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)11:00 am, December 25th.
(Live: $delay*4)[Pebbles crunch between your footfalls and the concreate sidewalk. No snow here in Victoria.]
(Live: $delay*8)[Your trees are the concrete and brick buildings, your snow is dust, dirt, and the detritus from the humans living and working downtown.]
Do you:
(Live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Turn around. This walk sucks the joy from your memories|bad memories-1]]]
(Live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Keep going. It doesn't compare to the past but the exertion feels good|keep walking-1]]]
(Live: $delay*12)[(stop:) [[Keep going and think about how Alex prefers to spend time with people they have never met|Alex sucks-1]]]
(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "12:00 pm 25th - Alex been good-bad - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "12:00 pm 25th - Alex been good-bad - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "12:00 pm 25th - Alex been good-bad - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "1:00 pm 25th - Christmas baking with Alex - Stay together")(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(goto: "1:00 pm 25th - Christmas baking with Alex - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "1:00 pm 25th - Christmas baking with Alex - Stay together")1:00 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[You clean up the (if: $alexgood <=0)[remains of pot and spoon ](if: $alexgood >0)[lunch dishes ]and prepare to do some baking.](live: $delay*8)[ Christmas Day cookies are another tradition that you feel you need more than ever.](live: $delay*12)[ Nothing quite beats the smell of cookies in the oven.]
(live: $delay*16)[You coax Alex out of their cave to join you.] (if: $alexgood < 0)[They are reluctant and seem irritated at the interuption.]](live: $delay*20)[ You both wash your hands then dig them into flours, sugars, and flavourings.(if: $yougood > 0)[ A flour fight ends as abrubtly as it starts with a fist full of white powder choking the air. You both struggle for oxygen through laughs and coughs.]](live: $delay*24)[ Cookie dough is prepared and placed on the pan.](live: $delay*28)[ In the oven they go then ten minutes later you struggle not to pop burning deliciousness into your face.](if: $alexgood <0)[ Alex goes back to gaming.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Make a small plate of cookies and bring them to Alex|Nice cookie-1]]]
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Make a plate for yourself. Alex can fend for themself|Neutral cookie-1]]]
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Think about how you are all alone eating cookies|alone cookie-1]]]4:00 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Two weeks earlier you had bought two puzzles that were identical and sent one with the gifts to your family.](live: $delay*8)[ Now you sit at your dining room table with the pieces of one spread before your laptop computer.](live: $delay*12)[ Your mother and father sit on the other side of the screen placing pieces of the other.](live: $delay*16)[ Gentle Christmas music floats through your laptop speakers from their house.]
(live: $delay*20)[You sip from a glass of wine.](live: $delay*24)[ Your mother regales you about the comings and goings their townhouse community.](live: $delay*28)[ You and your father say very little as your mother fills the quiet.]
(live: $delay*32)[Raid completed, Alex began playing the new game from their parents in the other room.]
(live: $delay*36)[You sip some more wine.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Listen to your mother as you place puzzle piece after puzzle piece |diatribe-1]]]
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Try to steer the conversation to something interesting|attempt-1]]]5:00 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[The puzzle session with your parents slips into dinner and you plug in your laptop to keep it going.](live: $delay*8)[ The three of you prepare food, each in your two respective homes.] (if: $yougood <0)[You remove a half dozen empty wine bottles off the counter to make room for cutting boards and ingredients.](live: $delay*12)[ Your mother talks about the cooking she did with people from her past. You and your father are attentive.]
(live: $delay*16)[You give Alex a ten minute warning for dinner.](live: $delay*20)[ They come out almost right away and set the table.](live: $delay*24)[ You all enjoy dinner together (if: $alexgood <0)[but Alex seems reserved].]
(live: $delay*28)[(stop:)
(if: $yougood >0)[ [[Dinner is nice, Alex and your parents get along great|all good-1]]]
(if: $alexgood > 0)[ [[Alex smiles and laughs at your dad's jokes|Happy alex-1]]]
(if: $alexgood <=0)[ [[Alex plays games on their phone during dinner|gamer Alex-1]]]
(if: $yougood <=0)[ [[Dinner is ok, Alex is distant and doesn't talk much|distant-1]]]
](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "4:00 pm 25th - Puzzling with your family - Stay together")
(goto: "4:00 pm 25th - Puzzling with your family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "4:00 pm 25th - Puzzling with your family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "5:00 pm 25th - Dinner with your family - Stay together")Your mother grabs your conversation and snaps it back to the activities of people you have never met.
(set: $yougood to it +1)
(live: 5s)[(stop:)(goto: "5:00 pm 25th - Dinner with your family - Stay together")](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $alexgood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "6:30 pm 24th - -Gift Opening your family - Stay together")9:00 pm December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[You end the call with your family and exhale the zoom tension you had been holding.]
(live: $delay*4)["Well that was fun." says Alex.](live: $delay*6)[ They stand, stretch and slip a hopeful look at your second bedroom.](live: $delay*10)[ "I'm going to see if I can save the Zolondrians."]
(live: $delay*14)[They kiss you on the forehead and meander out of the living room.]
(live: $delay*18)[You snap your laptop closed and think whether it is appropriate to open a bottle of wine.](live: $delay*22)[ You stand and head to the kitchen when your phone rings.](live: $delay*24)[ It's your father.](live: $delay*28)[ You pull down a bottle of red.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Answer the phone?|Immediate pick up-1]]]
(live: $delay*32)[(stop:) [[Ignore it|Phone no 1-1]]]
6:30 pm, December 25th.
(live: $delay*4)[Dinner is over and everyone helps clean up the two kitchens.](live: $delay*8)[ Content bellies slow your movements.](live: $delay*12)[ After dishes are done, you each bring laptops to your respective living rooms to open gifts.]
(live: $delay*16)[
(if: $alexgood > 0)[Alex is excited to receive a giftcard for World of Warcraft from your parents. Your father looks at you and smiles a thank you.]]}
(live: $delay*20)[You purchased a set of linen napkins with a plaid, cream and tan pattern.](live: $delay*22)[ Very classy.](live: $delay*26)[ Your mom states they are gorgeous.](live: $delay*30)[ Your dad sees the return receipt in the box and wonders what it is.](live: $delay*34)[ You let him know it is the return receipt in case they wanted to a different colour or something.](live: $delay*38)[ He doesn't look happy and stops talking. (if: $yougood < 0)[You can tell your dad is angry about the receipt. You knew he would be but Alex would not listen.]]
(live: $delay*42)[(stop:) [[You are going to lay into Alex later for making you include the receipt|bad receipt-1]]]
(live: $delay*42)[(stop:) [[Your chest is tight thinking of your father's anger|dad anger-1]]]
(live: $delay*42)[(stop:) [[You take a deep breath, everything is fine|all is good-1]]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $alexgood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "7:30 pm 25th - Father call -Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -2)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "7:30 pm 25th - Father call -Stay together")
(goto: "7:30 pm 25th - Father call -Stay together")
(goto: "7:30 pm 25th - Father call -Breakup")He still introduces himself like you wouldn't recognize his voice or see his name on your phone.
(live: 2s)[(stop:)(track: 'Phone yes', 'play')]
(live: 7s)[ [[Tell the truth|truth-1]]]
(live: 7s)[ [[Cover for Alex|cover-1]]](set: $phone to it +1)
(live: $delay*4)[You put the phone in your pocket and feel the vibrations all the way into the kitchen before it finally stops.](live: $delay*8)[ You select a bottle of red wine from the liquor cabinet, although any bottle would suffice.](live: $delay*12)[ You pull down a glass and uncork the bottle.](live: $delay*16)[ You wait for the double buzz of a message but none occurs.](live: $delay*20)[ You take a sip of wine; it's meh.]
(live: $delay*24)[Your pocket begins to vibrate again. You confirm: your father.]
(live: $delay*28)[He has something on his mind if he calls twice.](live: $delay*32)[ Based on your experience he will continue calling until you answer.](live: $delay*36)[ You know from which parent you inherited your stubborness.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Answer the call this time|Immediate pick up-1]]]
(live: $delay*40)[(stop:) [[Continue sipping the wine| Phone no 2-1]]](set: $phone to it +1)
(live: $delay*4)[You sit down at the kitchen table and pull out your phone.](live: $delay*8)[ Alex is so quiet and focused in the other room it's like they aren't even home.](live: $delay*12)[ You take a sip of wine.]
(live: $delay*16)[Your expectations are met when your pocket begins to buzz.](live: $delay*20)[ You know your father will keep calling and you know the longer you don't answer the angrier he will become.]
Do you:
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Answer the phone now|Immediate pick up-1]]]
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Still refuse and hope for the best|Phone no 3-1]]](set: $phone to it +1)
(live: $delay*4)[You sit at the table and scroll through social media.](live: $delay*8)[ Flick flick flick of your thumb reveals streams of captivating information you don't need.]
(live: $delay*12)[Your phone buzzes again.](live: $delay*16)[ You know if you don't answer soon your dad will be furious.]
Do you,
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Cave to the inevitable|Important-1]]]
(live: $delay*20)[(stop:) [[Continue to ignore the call|Phone mid-1]]](goto: "Phone no 3-1")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(track: 'Truth', 'play')
(Live: 7s)[ [[You’re looking at it wrong, It’s how the Delamaire’s do Christmas: they are trying to be considerate.|considerate-1]]]
(Live: 7s)[ [[I know you are doing fine, I’m sorry. I let him talk me into it.|sorry-1]]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(track: 'Cover', 'play')
(Live: 7s)[ [[You’re looking at it wrong, It’s how the Delamaire’s do Christmas: they are trying to be considerate.|considerate-1]]]
(Live: 7s)[ [[I know you are doing fine, I’m sorry. I let him talk me into it.|sorry-1]]](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "Dad phone 1-1")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "Dad phone 1-1")(track: 'Dad phone 1', 'play')
(live: 17s)[ [[Dad, come on.|No dad-1]]]
(live: 17s)[ [[Yes, actually I plan to do their gift our way.|Stand up Dad-1]]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(goto: "Dad phone 2-1")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(goto: "Dad phone 2-1")(track: 'Dad phone 2', 'play')
(live: 16s)[ [[Dad, it’s late. Let’s talk later.|later-1]]](track: 'later', 'play')
(live: 5s)[ [[I love you too. OK, I’ll call tomorrow. G’night.|8:00 am 26th - wake up boxing day - Stay together]]]
8:00 am, December 26th.
(live: $delay*4)[Clouds in the sky block the sun, dim light enters you room to play with your closed eyes.]
(live: $delay*8)[You made it through Christmas, although today does not feel different than yesterday.](live: $delay*8)[ You are confused for a moment until you look at your phone and confirm today is the 26th.]
(live: $delay*12)[You look across the bed and see Alex is not there.(if: $yougood <0 )[You figure they are playing games already.](if: $yougood >=0)[You think you might smell coffee brewing.]]
Do you:
(live: $delay*16)[(stop:) [[Think Alex is gaming.|bad thoughts-1]]]
(live: $delay*16)[(stop:) [[Think Alex is getting ingredients ready to make you breakfast.|breakfast-1]]](set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "9:00 am 26th - Alex makes breakfast - Stay together")(set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "9:00 am 26th - Alex makes breakfast - Stay together")9:00 am, December 26th.
(live: $delay*4)[The aroma of coffee lifts your head from the pillow, drags clothes onto your body, and drags you down the hall to the kitchen.]
(live: $delay*8)[Alex is scrambling eggs, popping toast, and pouring coffee.](live: $delay*8)[ The table is set, and you are just in time.](live: $delay*12)[ They smile at you and hand you a mug.]
(live: $delay*16)[You sit down at the table and fork food into your mouth.](live: $delay*20)[ You two start talking about your plans today.](live: $delay*24)[ Alex leans in and says they want to spend the day with you (if: $yougood <0 )[but you can see they want to go play games again all day. It's like you're single with an extra side of disappointment. Your thoughts from the 24th were true: it's time you were alone.](if: $yougood >=0)[and you can tell they mean it.]]
Do you:
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Love that Alex wants to spend the day with you.|Believe-1]]]
(live: $delay*24)[(stop:) [[Think that Alex doesn't really want to spend the day with you.|doubt-1]]](set: $yougood to it +1)
(set: $goal to it +1)
(if: $delay > 100)[(set: $delay to it -100)]
(goto: "10:00 am 26th - End 1 -Stay together")(set: $yougood to it -1)
(set: $goal to it -1)
(set: $delay to it +100)
(goto: "10:00 am 26th - End 1 -Stay together")9:30 am, December 26th.
All through breakfast your heart pounds in your chest, riding the edge of bursting. You are impelled to enunciate how you feel.
You ask Alex if you can talk to them for a moment. They say of course and wait for your words.
[[I love you. I just don't know what I would do without you|win1-1]]
[[This isn't working, you and me. I am alone all the time|win3-1]]
[[I love you. Do you love me?|win2-1]]
[[This isn't working. I'm sorry, you're great, I just need a change.|win4-1]]Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th and you still you love Alex and you would be lost without them.(if: $goal < 0)[ However, your actions over the last couple days speak otherwise](else:)[ Your actions over the past couple days have spoken to this deep desire]. You tell Alex how you feel.
(if: $alexgood < 0)[ Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while. You take a moment to try and understand what they mean.](if: $alexgood >=0)[ Alex says they feel the same way.](if: $yougood >0)[ You throw your arms around Alex and share a passionate kiss.]
(if: $goal <=0)[Alex tells you its best if maybe one of you moves out.](if: $goal > 0)[Alex tells you they love you.](if: $win is 2)[ You were worried whether they were as invested in the relationship](if: $win is 1)[ You were worried about being alone](if: $goal <=0)[ and now those concerns have come true.](if: $goal >0)[ and now you don't have that concern anymore.]
(if: $goal <=0)[Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom.] (if: $goal > 0)[Alex asks again what your plans are for the day. You sit down at your kitchen table and start planning your future.](if: $goal <=0 )[You are left to stand in the kitchen watching your happiness wander out of the room.]
Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th and you have changed your mind: Alex is nice enough but they aren't for you after all.(if: $goal < 0)[ Your actions over the last couple days have supported this new position](else:)[ Your actions over the past couple days present a different desire though. Maybe if you act on these new feelings you are making a mistake]. You tell Alex how you feel.
(if: $alexgood < 0)[Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while either.](if: $alexgood >= 0)[Alex states they are happy enough as things are.] You take a moment to try and understand what they mean. (if: $win is 1)[ You aren't sure what to do now.](if: $win is 2)[ You realize you made a huge mistake but it might be too late to save things.]
Alex tells you they can move in with their parents.(if: $yougood > 0)[ You don't know what to say.](if: $yougood <=0)[ You tell them that is for the best.]
Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom.(if: $goal >=0 )[ You are left to stand in the kitchen wondering what just happened.](else:)[ You stand alone in the kitchen with breakfast's aroma dissipating around you.]Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th and you still love Alex but you feel so alone.(if: $goal < 0)[ However, your actions over the last couple days show you maybe want to leave Alex instead of working things out.](else:)[ Your actions over the past couple days have spoken to this deep desire]. You tell Alex how you feel.
(if: $alexgood < 0)[ Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while. You take a moment to try and understand what they mean.](if: $alexgood >=0)[ Alex says they feel the same way.](if: $yougood >0)[ You throw your arms around Alex and share a passionate kiss.]
(if: $goal <= 0)[Alex tells you its best if maybe one of you moves out.](if: $goal > 0)[Alex tells you they love you.](if: $win is 2)[ You were worried whether they were as invested in the relationship](if: $win is 1)[ You were worried about being alone](if: $goal <=0)[ and now those concerns have come true.](if: $goal >0)[ and now you don't have that concern anymore.]
(if: $goal <=0)[Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom.] (if: $goal > 0)[Alex asks again what your plans are for the day. You sit down at your kitchen table and start planning your future.](if: $goal <= 0 )[You are left to stand in the kitchen watching your happiness wander out of the room.]
Two days ago you wanted {
(if: $win is 1)[$win1]
(if: $win is 2)[$win2]
(if: $win is 3)[$win3]
(if: $win is 4)[$win4]
} It is now the morning of December 26th and you have changed your mind: Alex is nice enough but they aren't for you after all. (if: $goal < 0)[ Your actions over the last couple days have supported this new position](else:)[ Your actions over the past couple days present a different desire though. Maybe if you act on these new feelings you are making a mistake]. You tell Alex how you feel.
(if: $alexgood < 0)[Alex says they are happy you brought this up. They haven't been happy for a while either.](if: $alexgood >= 0)[Alex states they are happy enough as things are.] You take a moment to try and understand what they mean. (if: $win is 1)[ You aren't sure what to do now.](if: $win is 2)[ You realize you made a huge mistake but it might be too late to save things.]
Alex tells you they can move in with their parents.(if: $yougood > 0)[ You don't know what to say.](if: $yougood <=0)[ You tell them that is for the best.]
Alex shrugs, shakes their head, and heads to the second bedroom.(if: $goal >=0 )[ You are left to stand in the kitchen wondering what just happened.](else:)[ You stand alone in the kitchen with breakfast's aroma dissipating around you.](track: 'important', 'play')
(live: 6s)[(goto: "Phone yes")](track: 'immediate pickup', 'play')
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Phone yes")](track: 'important', 'play')
(live: 6s)[(goto: "Phone yes-1")](track: 'immediate pickup', 'play')
(live: 2s)[(goto: "Phone yes-1")]Beth Call
answer: https://dydo.neocities.org/Answer.mp3
feels: https://dydo.neocities.org/Feels.mp3
how doing: https://dydo.neocities.org/How%20doing.mp3
know: https://dydo.neocities.org/Know.mp3
Oh hon1: https://dydo.neocities.org/Oh%20hon.mp3
Oh hon2: https://dydo.neocities.org/Oh%20hon%202.mp3
Uh huh: https://dydo.neocities.org/Uh%20huh.mp3
What does that mean?: https://dydo.neocities.org/What%20does%20that%20mean.mp3
Dad Call
Cover: https://dydo.neocities.org/Cover.mp3
Dad phone 1: https://dydo.neocities.org/Dad%20phone%201.mp3
Dad phone 2: https://dydo.neocities.org/Dad%20phone%202.mp3
immediate pickup: https://dydo.neocities.org/Immediate%20PickUp.mp3
important: https://dydo.neocities.org/Important.mp3
later: https://dydo.neocities.org/Later.mp3
Phone yes: https://dydo.neocities.org/Phone%20Yes.mp3
Truth: https://dydo.neocities.org/Truth.mp3
Happy Songs
Angels: https://dydo.neocities.org/Happy_Angles_We_Have_Heard_On_High.mp3
Joy: https://dydo.neocities.org/Happy_Joy_to_the_World.mp3
First: https://dydo.neocities.org/Happy_The_First_Noel.mp3
Jingle: https://dydo.neocities.org/JingleBells.mp3
Sad Songs
God: https://dydo.neocities.org/Sad_God_Rest_Ye_Merry_Gentlemen.mp3
Holy: https://dydo.neocities.org/Sad_Oh_Holy_Night.mp3
Silent: https://dydo.neocities.org/Sad_Silent_Night.mp3
Child: https://dydo.neocities.org/Sad_What_Child_Is_This.mp3
1:00 pm, December 24th.
Back from shopping and the stress of crowds you start preparing ingredients for dinner. You take a sip of wine and cast a Christmas stream to the bluetooth speaker. You nod your head as (color: #F8B229)[(dropdown: bind $song, "YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS SONG","Angels we Have Heard on High", "Joy to the World", "The First Noel", "Jingle Bells")] starts up.
Alex calls from the second bedroom asking you to turn it down. even better would be to turn it off.
Do you
[[Turn up the music because it's Christmas for Christ's sake|volume up]]
[[Turn down the volume but enjoy the music as you cook|volume down]]
[[Turn the music off as requested but resent Alex for their complaint|Off and resent]]
[[Put earbuds in and enjoy the music|Quiet listen]]
[[Turn off the music|Off]]
1:00 pm, December 24th.
Back from shopping and the stress of crowds you start preparing ingredients for dinner. You take a sip of wine and cast a Christmas stream to the bluetooth speaker. You nod your head as (color: #F8B229)[(dropdown: bind $song, "YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS SONG","Angels we Have Heard on High", "Joy to the World", "The First Noel", "Jingle Bells")] starts up.
Alex calls from the second bedroom asking you to turn it down. even better would be to turn it off.
Do you
[[Turn up the music because it is Christmas for Christ's sake|volume up-1]]
[[Turn down the volume but enjoy the music as you cook|volume down-1]]
[[Turn the music off as requested but resent Alex for their complaint|Off and resent-1]]
[[Put earbuds in and enjoy the music|Quiet listen-1]]
[[Turn off the music|Off-1]]